REMC/465/DV – Document for Vote: To approve the proposed Wind RECB Assessor (Closes 6-Aug)

starts on 07 July, 2020 ends on 06 August, 2020

Should the US vote to approve Federico Osvald (UL) as the Wind RECB Assessor for Type Certification?

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In accordance with IEC CA 01, clause 7.7 i), the REMC is requested to approve Federico Osvald from UL as RECB assessor for Type Certification, as the requirements of OD-550-4 clause 4.2 have been fulfilled.

As per OD-550-4 Edition 1.0

4.2 Appointment of Peer Assessors to the Pool of Assessors

Peer assessors are appointed to the pool of peer assessors according to the following procedure:


Therefore, based on the nomination received and review processes carried out, the nomination of Federico Osvald as RECB assessor is submitted to the REMC for approval.


The REMC Member Bodies to approve the proposed Wind RECB Assessor.

Ballots are to be returned to the IECRE Secretariat ([email protected]) no later than 2020-08-16.

NOTE: USNC/IECRE ballots are to be submitted within thirty days to allow for resolution of any comments prior to the IEC deadline.

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