REMC/326/DV: Proposed IECRE 2020 Budget and Dues (Closes 18-Apr)

starts on 05 April, 2019 ends on 18 April, 2019

Should the US vote to approve the proposed IECRE 2020 Budget and Dues?

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The requirements set by the CAB in 2007 require that the IECRE Members approve the 2020 IECRE Budget by correspondence before the end of March 2019. However, given the need to allow for sufficient time that Member Bodies to review and consider the proposal, the due date will be extended by three weeks.

The Budget is based on the work output of WG006 and the Executive Group, as well as discussions held with the IEC Treasurer, IEC VP & CAB Chair, and the IEC General Secretary & CEO subsequent to the Aarhus finance meeting.

Member Bodies should also take into consideration the WG001 identification of planned work identified in REMC/321/DC, “Conceptual proposal for the reorganization of the IECRE to improve operational efficiency”. The complete “Improvement Plan” is currently under development by the finance WGs noted above. However, this Budget proposal is based on, and includes, a number of assumptions from the expected end result of that “Improvement Plan. It should be understood that the Member Bodies will need to formally approve of the Plan and the necessary, resulting, revisions to a number of documents currently under the System, at a later date. Some of the expected elements of the “Improvement Plan” will include decisions that will require CAB approval. One of the main elements of the “Improvement Plan” is to convert the Sector OMCs to WGs, starting in 2020. This 2020 Budget proposal includes the assumption that the proposed structure change will be approved by the Membership and, therefore, the proposed budget includes improved operational efficiency and cost savings associated with such.

This proposal also includes a number of new revenue streams which, if this Budget is approved, will result in a balanced budget for 2020. As a result of an approved Budget, OD-001, “Finance”, will need to subsequently be revised by WG006 to include those new Fees and Dues.


IECRE Member Bodies to endorse the proposed IECRE 2020 Budget and Dues by correspondence no later than 19th April 2019, for further approval by the CAB.

NOTE: USNC/IECRE ballots are to be submitted BY 18-APRIL to allow for resolution of any comments prior to the IEC deadline.

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