Frequently Asked Questions

What is ARESCA?
The American Renewable Energy Standards and Certification Association (ARESCA), is a Vermont non-profit Section 50l(c)(6) organization formed in 2015 to foster renewable energy standards and certification efforts.
Why was ARESCA formed? The founders of ARESCA have all been intimately involved in creating the standards and certification requirements for renewable energy; including Wind Energy, Photovoltaic (PV) Solar, and Marine Energy. They have found this effort at times inefficient, complicated, and slower than it needs to be. The ARESCA corporation was organized primarily to provide information, administration and education services to the support of renewable energy standards and conformity assessment.

What is ARESCA’s goal?
ARESCA’s goal is to make participants involvement in standards simpler, and to facilitate harmonization of US renewable energy standards and conformity assessment schemes with international organizations such as the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).

What services will ARESCA provide?
ARESCA’s mission is to provide cost-efficient, timely, and clear administrative functions for our members within the US renewable energy standards community. Administrative functions may include Secretariat duties and standards development organization (SDO) functions.

Why is standards development important?
Standards are essential to the deployment of safe and effective renewable energy systems that provide electrical energy at the lowest cost.

Why is certification important?
Certification provides common and consistent documentation that energy systems have been designed, manufactured, and erected to the highest safety and reliability requirements, and will perform as intended. Having a single certification process will:
• Establish an internationally harmonized certification system.
• Provide globally accepted, bankable certificates.
• Document that conformity assessment has been completed.
• Provide a single statement of risk assessment that can be used by many stakeholders.

Why focus on renewable energy?
Throughout industrial development, the adoption of standards, certifications, and harmonization between countries has fostered economic development, increased employment, increased product reliability and enhanced society. For example, the boiler and electrical equipment standards and certification developed decades ago reduced explosions and provided highly reliable equipment that form today’s power supply system. ARESCA intends to foster this effort in the world of renewable energy, for tomorrow’s power supply.

Why the focus on Wind, Solar and Marine Energy?
Harmonization between these industry segments can provide great benefits as our economy becomes more reliant on renewable energy, and these technologies interact in the global market.

Who are the leaders of ARESCA?
The ARESCA board is comprised of industry professionals who have been leading the standards development effort in the US and globally since the renewable energy’s inception in the early 1980s. They represent all renewable segments (wind, solar, and marine), including key stakeholders engaged in activities such as: manufacturing, project development, consulting engineering, project assessment, due diligence, academia, and financial services, as well as owner and operators. This will provide a balanced perspective that addresses a variety of needs.

How can I be involved?

1. Support the industry – Be a supporter of renewable energy in your community or region.
2. Become a partner – ARESCA welcomes corporate partnership from all stakeholders in the renewable energy industry. This includes equipment manufacturers, project developers, engineering firms, installers and contractors, owners and operators, and financial service organizations. Partner with ARESCA in the standards development and certification process with a contribution (which may be tax deductible).
3. Join the standards and certification process development effort – Standards are developed by volunteers. If you are an expert in the renewable energy industry, consider joining a standard development organization (SDO) or certification system.