About renewable energy standards
Throughout industrial development the promulgation of standards, certifications, and harmonization between countries has fostered economic development, increased employment, increased product reliability and enhanced society. For example, the boiler and electrical equipment standards and certification developed decades ago reduced explosions and provided highly reliable equipment that forms today’s power supply system. ARESCA intends to foster this effort in the world of Renewable Energy, for tomorrow’s power supply.
Standards are developed by consensus among volunteers and adopted by national and international organizations, equipment manufacturers, investment organizations, developers, and owners. At times, the coordination of the standards development efforts can be less than optimal, which slows the process and frustrates the volunteers. The ARESCA Board of Directors and founders have all been deeply involved in development of wind turbine, solar PV and marine energy design, testing, and certification standards. Having lived with these frustrations for more than 20 years has provided the impetus to found ARESCA.
In the renewable energy world there is no central organization to provide administrative and secretarial support for standards development. This is in part due to the international nature of renewable development as well as the design of the equipment that spans mechanical, electrical, and civil design disciplines. Consequently, renewable energy standards efforts are not served by traditional engineering societies that are focused on a particular engineering disciple ie: ASME or IEEE, ASCE. Other industry or trade organizations in the renewable sector have focused primarily on the commercial aspects with a heavy focus on industry conferences and lobbying. ARESCA expects to fill this void.
The ARESCA concept is supported by multiple standards development committees and organizations that see a need for the support of such an organization, as well as the US DOE, that believes renewable energy standards development and certification will be improved with the services of ARESCA.
The faster standards can be developed and adopted by manufacturers, investment organizations, developers, and owners, the lower the cost of renewable energy, and the more expeditious the movement to a cleaner and sustainable tomorrow.
The Standards Committee of the ARESCA Board (SCB) meets online on the third Wednesday of each month at 3:00pm Eastern time. Any interested parties are welcome to attend as non-voting observers. For more information, contact the ARESCA Secretary (secretary@aresca.us).
ARESCA’s Mission
ARESCA’s mission is to provide cost-efficient, timely, and clear administrative functions for our members comprising the US Renewable Energy Standards community. Administrative functions include Secretariat duties and standards development organization (SDO) functions. Our goal is to make participants involvement in Standards simple, easy and facilitate harmonization of US Renewable Energy Standards and Conformity Assessment Schemes with international organizations such as the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).
How is ARESCA Organized
The ARESCA Corporation is organized as a Vermont nonprofit primarily to provide information, administration and education services to the support of renewable energy standards and conformity assessment within the meaning of Section 501(c) (6) of the Internal Revenue Code, 1986, or the corresponding provision of any future federal law to do all things necessary or convenient, not inconsistent with the association’s 501(c) (6) status.