To prepare and coordinate, in co-operation with other TC/SCs, the development of international standards and other deliverables with emphasis on overall system aspects of electricity supply systems and acceptable balance between cost and quality for the users of electrical energy. Electricity supply system encompasses transmission and distribution networks, generators and loads with their network interfaces . This scope includes, but is not limited to, standardization in the field of:
While relying on efficient and secure data communication and exchange, TC 8’s scope does not include standards for communication with appliances and equipment connected to the electric grid or for communication infrastructure serving the electric grid. TC 8 is responsible for the maintenance of basic publications (horizontal standards) on standard voltages, currents and frequencies ensuring the consistency of the IEC publications in these fields. TC 8 cooperates also with several organizations active in the field of electricity supply such as CIGRE, CIRED, IEEE, AFSEC, IEA.
Posted on 19 Jul, 2024
The American Renewable Energy Standards and Certification Association (ARESCA) is calling for experts who are directly and materially affected parties who are interested in participating as a member of an...
Posted on 17 Mar, 2021
Click below to download the USTAG Meeting Presentations for Meeting of March 9, 2021. TC88_USTAG_09Mar2021
Click below to download the USTAG Meeting Presentations for Meeting of March 9, 2021. TC88_USTAG_09Mar2021
The American Renewable Energy Standards and Certification Association (ARESCA) is calling for experts who are directly and materially affected parties who are interested in participating as a member of an...